Contemporary Landscape, Tree Painting, Mixed Media, “Approach The Garden” By Passionate Purposeful Painter Holly Hunter Berry
I’ve always enjoyed looking through those books showcasing beautiful gardens that seem to invite a visitor to sit and enjoy the view. Those get the attention but not all gardens are that spectacular. I am often grateful for a bit of shade and some unusual plants that have survived on their own to surround my bench or even just my blanket on the ground. I treasure the moments I can spend outside surrounded by the simple beauty of nature. It’s these times I first express sincere gratitude to the Creator of the creations and then rest in the moment. Yes, it must be repeated, gratitude is the position I take as I “Approach the Garden”. Perhaps the garden can be anywhere and everywhere...for this I am grateful!
24"x36"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
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