I’ve always enjoyed looking through those books showcasing beautiful gardens that seem to invite a visitor to sit and enjoy the view. Those get the attention but not all gardens are that spectacular. I am often grateful for a bit of shade and some unusual plants that have survived on their own to surround my bench or even just my blanket on the ground. I treasure the moments I can spend outside surrounded by the simple beauty of nature. It’s these times I first express sincere gratitude to the Creator of the creations and then rest in the moment. Yes, it must be repeated, gratitude is the position I take as I “Approach the Garden”. Perhaps the garden can be anywhere and everywhere...for this I am grateful!
24"x36"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
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How many times do we see the sign, “All Are Welcome”? I am sure it is not often enough. We have all found ourselves in situations where we have felt like an outsider, not included and even at times aggressively excluded. Seems as if it is the norm at times. The scene that inspired me to paint this impressed upon me the idea that many different “types” could blossom and grow together under the warmth and comfort of the sun. Something to ponder as I too grow under the guidance of the Son.
48"x36"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
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The day was perfect as I set out hiking with a dear friend on a beautiful sunny day. I was enjoying time off from daily routines and ready for a new adventure. As we walked up on the scene that inspired this piece I became speechless. It was as if time stood still. Light came through the leaves in such a way that I felt as if I was looking through a stained glass window, similar to those in churches I attended long ago. Nature's chapel. Yes, it was a very good day! 36"x36"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
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