Abstract Landscape Painting, Mixed Media, Water, Trees, Fine Art For Sale, “Living Water” By Passionate Purposeful Painter Holly Hunter Berry
Why are we so fascinated with water? We go to the beach and spend hours watching the waves. We find a pond and stare at the plants growing and look for life amongst them. This painting was inspired by a visit to an area near my home that I love to visit, an arboretum here in Houston, a gem hidden away in the middle of the city. It had been a hectic few days and just standing there and staring at the pond water was what I needed to relax. Yes, this was indeed “ Living Water”and the longer I stared at it my mind went to several references in The Bible that spoke of living water relating to a knowledge of God, a relationship with Him and the everlasting life that is available through Jesus. I tried to capture some of what I felt that day with paint and have it to share with you! Thank you for taking the time to read this and look at my painting!
36"x48"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/available Click HERE for purchase info. Learn about my weekly art classesHERE
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