I tend to look at the ground while walking so I don’t trip and fall again. I seem to break bones easily these days! When I did stop one day and look up, the scene was breathtaking! I just stood there and took the time to stare at the leaves of many colors and the light dancing on and through them. In my walk through life I’ve learned that my answers to questions come from above and so I created this painting, “One Answer” to illustrate that there is but one answer to my questions and it is to look up and listen to the Creator of all. Many people respond to this painting because of the contrast of colors and it’s drama. I hope this painting will be a blessing to anyone that takes a moment to look at it and allows it to tell you it’s message. Enjoy!
36"x24" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info. Learn about my weekly art classesHERE
I’ve always enjoyed looking through those books showcasing beautiful gardens that seem to invite a visitor to sit and enjoy the view. Those get the attention but not all gardens are that spectacular. I am often grateful for a bit of shade and some unusual plants that have survived on their own to surround my bench or even just my blanket on the ground. I treasure the moments I can spend outside surrounded by the simple beauty of nature. It’s these times I first express sincere gratitude to the Creator of the creations and then rest in the moment. Yes, it must be repeated, gratitude is the position I take as I “Approach the Garden”. Perhaps the garden can be anywhere and everywhere...for this I am grateful!
24"x36"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
Learn about my weekly art classesHERE
The day was perfect as I set out hiking with a dear friend on a beautiful sunny day. I was enjoying time off from daily routines and ready for a new adventure. As we walked up on the scene that inspired this piece I became speechless. It was as if time stood still. Light came through the leaves in such a way that I felt as if I was looking through a stained glass window, similar to those in churches I attended long ago. Nature's chapel. Yes, it was a very good day! 36"x36"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info.
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At first glance this painting seems a mass of the same greens with a few tree trunks. Look again because I tried to have you stay "Focused On The Center Tree". I played with layers of orange, yellow, turquoise, deeper blues, some royal purple and more to grab your attention. Many layers of paint and textures woven together were used to tell the story and complete this painting. The process took time and was a bit painful but before long the painting seemed to say...enough...."It Is Finished!". Thank you for stopping to read this and look, maybe even a bit longer than usual, at the center tree! 24"x24"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for purchase info. Learn about my weekly art classesHERE
This photo does not nearly express the intent of this painting so I will try to use words instead. I viewed these cows quietly grazing far off from the road and just stopped to imagine a few things. What if we could all just calmly go about our day being the best human possible without complaint, just partaking in what was in our surroundings and being at peace with what we had. I believe that might change a few things for the better and so stopping to look at this scene might give us a glimpse of what some might label "As It Should Be" . I tried to use a design and colors that would express a calm, a sense of peace, even if they were a bit exaggerated as I tend to do. My hope is that you pause for a moment to use your imagination and even enjoy the painting! Thanks for reading! 20"x20"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available Click HERE for more info.