I surprised myself when I used these colors to create this painting. I chose more neutral ones to be a backdrop for the sparks of random color peaking through instead of bold color throughout. I wanted to express how I felt when I viewed the remains of an area near my home that had survived a storm and saw new growth. In the middle of the death and sadness of the event I saw new life overcoming adversity and it was a reminder that yes we can go through the storm and there will be new life and a new beginning on the other side. Art can be healing. The title, “Survived”, is one we can all wear as we push through the our storms. 20"x20"x2.0” Mixed Media on Gallery Wrapped Canvas/Available Click HERE for more info.
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Sometimes after I've been painting several hours I step back and am surprised to see an image I didn't purposely paint. In addition to those surprises some paintings seem to paint themselves with little effort. This painting, "The Way Out Is Up" is one of those special paintings. When I stand and stare at it with my eyes fixed on it all of a sudden I feel transported to the middle of a forest. I can hear the birds singing and the breeze gently rustling the leaves as a sense of calm pours over me. I was very surprised at how effortlessly this painting came together with all it's subtle greens and the light from above filtering through. The story behind the title for this painting is this...I get lost very easily and so how do I find my way? I need to look up...
In the forest if I was lost and if I had remembered any of my "cub scout mom lessons" I might have a compass with me but otherwise maybe I would look up and search for the sun to get an idea of the direction I was going. Outside of the forest and meandering through the "day to day messes" I have learned that the way out of those piles of trouble is to look up for the Son. Just thought I would share with you...it has been what has blessed me and been my comfort. Thank you for stopping to look at my painting and read this!
24"x18"x2.0” Mixed Media on Gallery Wrapped Canvas/Available Click HERE for more info.
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Do you see the building? Some miss it and just see the trees or they see it but don't think much about it. Shelter comes in many forms and when you need it the search begins. It is easy to miss that the shelter you need is right in front of you. We look high and low but the truth is what I'm trying to show in this painting and so I titled it "Shelter In Plain Sight". Isn't it a comfort to know that? It's not an easy concept but I have learned that it is indeed true. Next time you find yourself in need try looking right where you are and realize you are protected and sheltered from the storm by the Son!
24"x24"x2.0" Mixed Media on Gallery Wrapped Canvas/Available Click HERE for more info.Learn about my weekly art classesHERE
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Join me for Second Saturday Open Studios. Read more HERE
Have you ever found yourself in a place outside in nature that had you just throw your hands up to express joy and pure gratitude? Sometimes I just stop and stare in awe at the beauty of it all. I tried to express that in this painting with multiple layers of color that even though they are an odd mix, their placement creates a harmony reflecting the joy I find in observing creation. Yes, I am grateful indeed for the Creator and so I titled this painting "In Solitude Gratitude Expressed". Take time to look around, you might be surprised by what you experience! Thank you for stopping by and reading!
Abstract Landscape Art Painting 20"x20"x1.5" Mixed Media on Canvas Click HERE for purchase info.Learn about my weekly art classesHERE
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Join me for Second Saturday Open Studios. Read more HERE