Contemporary Colorful Landscape Painting ,Mixed Media, Fine Art For Sale, “Then The Clouds Rolled In” By Passionate Purposeful Painter Holly Hunter Berry
Do you ever look up at the sky and just stop to let your imagination create a story? Most likely your answer is yes. The inspiration for this painting, “Then The Clouds Rolled In” started with me pulling over to the side of the road and gathering photos with my phone. ( I wished I had my sketch book with me to at least note the wild variations of colors but I did try to recreate them in the painting.) I stayed there staring at the sky after I put my phone down and actually took the time to just enjoy and take in the incredible beauty before me. The trees in the distance were standing tall but fighting for importance as the clouds moved and colors shifted. The longer I stared the more the scene unfolded with rich symbolism and pieces of my personal history and of mankind began to weave a story. Do you still take time in your busy day to stop and look at the sky? Does this scene jog a memory of yours? Seems like whatever I imagined or was reminded of was an event of extreme significance and I felt needed to be painted. My work is not even close to the image I saw but I tried to recreate the emotional impact it left on me. Hoping it encourages you to slow down and look up into the sky!
20"x20" Mixed Media on Canvas
This painting is sold, however, commissions are welcome. Learn about my weekly art classesHERE
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