Have you ever found yourself in a place outside in nature that had you just throw your hands up to express joy and pure gratitude? Sometimes I just stop and stare in awe at the beauty of it all. I tried to express that in this painting with multiple layers of color that even though they are an odd mix, their placement creates a harmony reflecting the joy I find in observing creation. Yes, I am grateful indeed for the Creator and so I titled this painting "In Solitude Gratitude Expressed". Take time to look around, you might be surprised by what you experience! Thank you for stopping by and reading!
Abstract Landscape Art Painting 20"x20"x1.5" Mixed Media on Canvas Click HERE for purchase info.
Do you see the building? Some miss it and just see the trees or they see it but don't think much about it. Shelter comes in many forms and when you need it the search begins. It is easy to miss that the shelter you need is right in front of you. We look high and low but the truth is what I'm trying to show in this painting and so I titled it "Shelter In Plain Sight". Isn't it a comfort to know that? It's not an easy concept but I have learned that it is indeed true. Next time you find yourself in need try looking right where you are and realize you are protected and sheltered from the storm by the Son!
24"x24"x2" Mixed Media on Canvas/Available ClickHERE for purchase info. Learn about my weekly art classesHERE